Ricardo Gonzales
Hmm, I bought it and planted it but no flowers so far. I'm still going to give some time but nothing so far.
Charles Judd
I have now done a delineation of this seed pack. There is almost ZERO yarrow seeds, and now my plots are covered in a very aggressive Cilantro/Coriander (NOT YARROW). Far too significant of a seed count to be acceptable. I hate the smell, and HIGHLY regret this package. I was also delivered busted open and leaking seed. The coneflower variety was mislabeled and is aggressive also, along with the "snapdragons"
I guess it will be an invasive green mulch for a few years. Would not advise making this purchase.
I have zero blooms just greens - I would like a full refund!
Royce Leonhardt
I followed the instructions to a T when planting these, however I did not get a single sprout from them. I did everything it tells you too however not a single flower or even a sprout. It was a waste of money.
Adela Nugent
Not a single seed sprouted. Very disappointed would like money back.
Mitch Driver
They are in ground now,have to wait for sprouting and quanity,qualityof flowers
Dave L.
These seeds are great. The amount of heating degrees days they need is very low compared to other seeds, meaning that they sprout much sooner. Nice mixture of native flowers that look great while needing vert little care.
It's not planting season yet I'm sure they will be beautiful Michigan we sprung forward right back to winter if know update it means there awesome
CG Veach
Easy to grow. I just sprinkle them on the ground in the flower bed. No tilling or digging. Just the way it happens out in the wild. They will germinate and grow.
Nancy L Geiger
Although I’ve tried this product three times, I have yet to have any flowers bloom. And I live out in the woods.
2424242424Amazon Customer2424242424
Easy to grow. Beautiful flowers
marianne m
planted last year and had a yard full of flowers! Really helps to bring pollinators into garden! I'll buy every year!
Amazon Customer
Great amount. Already sprouting. Great selection
They look and smell fresh. I will plant them this fall, and hope they bloom early next year. If they do, I will update this review.
Rosanna Muniz
I followed the instructions of planting wildflowers and out of the whole bag, only 2 wildflowers grew.
Rather than buying flowers from the local nursery, I decided to raise them from seeds. I have been very impressed on how they've survived the hot Texas weather
So honest impressions ... I planted these seeds indoors and outdoors and after about 2 weeks I have seen 0 signs of germination. My order arrived over night and was planted as per the instructions within 24 hours of arrival and watered regularly to keep seed hydrated. I would understand if I would have had some signs of growth at minimum indoors do to the controlled environment but unfortunately that simply was not the case. Anyway, the packaging was as shown above, there was about a handful of mixed seeds in each pack and each pack was sealed well. My opinion is that its a gamble you may get some growth or you may not and in this case i didn't . complete waste of $40. Im in the process of contacting the seller for either a replacement or a refund.
While some plant’s sprouted it was nothing like it advertised. Would rather make my own mix and guarantee I get flowers and not weeds
Roy Neer
I planted this brand and type of seeds last year in September and the results were great.
The neighbors were impressed with the colors and variety. Ordered them again this year.
Alysen of Houston
Zero or the seeds grew.
Amazon Customer
Texas Wildflowers, from HOME GROWN quickly refunded me to make the purchase right. The seeds were spilled into the amazon plastic envelope and looked crushed. It didn't look like it was HOME GROWN's fault. The first time I ordered these they were whole healthy seeds, so I had something to compare. I ordered new seeds and were delivered on time and they looked healthy. We will see in the spring if they grow and bloom. (If I remember I will update in the spring.)
Memorial Seeds:
I started to make memorial seed packets on my computer and home printer made stick-on labels to adhere to the seed packet envelopes. (I blocked out the person's name on this photo)
I illustrated the flowers but there are many websites with free transparent PNGs to use instead. I also included one of these beautiful pop up cards
The one shown here is from Paper Love
:https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B09V28QQ53/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1 )
If I used sunflower seeds I tried to use a sunflower pop up card.
https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B09W69TJVH/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1 and
All so beautiful however you mix or match the cards!
The packets for the seeds are here: I put about a heaping tablespoon of seeds in each packet and make sure each includes a few bluebonnet seeds .
The Texas Mix Wildflowers make near 14 seed packets with-1 TBL of seeds each or depending on how many seeds used in each.
There are better options at the big box stores. Just a few scraggly plants popped up. A few very tiny yellow blooms. Been a gardener for years so I know when and how to plant flowers and have had much better luck with larger bags of wildflower mixes from home Depot and Lowes
Robert D.
One packed worked great for 300 seed packets.
Adrian Perez
I want to do my part in helping the local pollinators, so I bought the Texas Wildflower Seed mix.
I just tilled my flowerbed which is mostly clay soil and hand-tossed the seeds onto the ground.
I watered daily until the seeds started germinating. It took about a month or so before the first flowers appeared. But, after three months, I have a flowerbed full of beautiful flowers.
Note, these flowers do need to be planted in full sun. I planted the seeds in another flowerbed that is in a shaded area and the flowers did not do well. But, from the picture posted, they do wonderful in full sun.
Whitney W
Absolutely love these. I scatter them where ever I go in TX
Spread these wildflower seeds in a bed in my backyard two weeks ago. Despite much rain, these have yet to sprout and bloom. Disappointing.
R Webb
Not as thick a package as depicted in the photo!
Amazon Customer
Saludos desde Quito - Ecuador.... las semillas se adaptaron al clima y a la altura, florecieron de todos los colores
marshall bromberg
Planted seed, have to wait to see what will grow.
I expect it at least half a bag full of seeds. This bag is probably only 1/4 . Not a great value for the money.
Nothing ever happened, I would recommend buying seeds in stores or plant nurseries
Marshall Tidwell
Great seeds
Jack Nelms
To be honest a little disappointed in the amount of seeds that came in the package, definitely doesn’t cover up to 365 square feet but oh well that’s what you get for $20
Package arrived looking good. Opened to see the bag was not sealed with seeds all over inside so who knows if I got everything I paid for.
Items were broken and open, spilled seeds everywhere. No idea how many lost
Mark Castillo
I received the bag of seeds with little to no seeds. The bag has a hole and was open. I basically threw money away. Ive bought Other wild flower seeds with way better packaging.
floyd l.
When I opened the mailer seeds started falling out the 3 oz package I could only find 2.8 oz of the seed but didn't have time or want to pay to return the item and possibly get shorted again
Amazon Customer
I threw this seed down on some soft dirt and lightly raked it in the ground. In less than 2 weeks I already have some sprouting.
Quick shipping. Great product.
I live in Vegas so these should fit our climate but only about 1/4 or less of these seeds sprouted after months of waiting and care.
Amazon Customer
Can wait to plant in spring.
They came up great, after 2" died
Nothing beyond sprouting! It's been a few months now, no flowers whatever and all sprouts are gone too.
glenda little
Received on time, not enough time to determine how well they grow
Paola Mata
Beautiful flowers that I hadn't seen in a long time.
Super fast delivery, great selection and fast growing seeds
Earth Spirits
A small sample of this 3oz package of this seed mix was sent. The germination rate was very good. The 22 varieties included are all hardy perennials that can come back year after year. They attract beneficial insects and wildlife as well. Nice mix and good quality.
I finally opened this package last weekend and spread it around a 20 squarefeet flower bed that I want to have some wild flowers, and my first thought was that this package can't possible contain 130000 seeds!!! Probably maximum half of that amount since the bag wasn't that big (about 7" x 4" flat bag that was like 1/3 filled). Also, not much information about the type of flowers or nutrients needed for these flowers, i guess they just randomly collected tons of different seeds and packaged them together, I hope there is no weeds' seeds in it. It took about 3 days now to see those seeds sprouting. I'll update it in a few weeks to see if it has any good flowers or not.
ruby ann maclin
They haven’t came up yet! I planted them about a month ago. So I am not happy with my purchase!
I’ve never used this batch of seeds but I’m excited. I just planted them so we shall see how well they look once they start coming in.
Goddess of Chaos
This bag came plenty full and lists a great variety of Texas wildflowers, we just lost a tree and ended up with a big patch of dirt in the yard, and wanted to replace it with wildflowers, love that this has a mix of the flowers we tend to see along the highways, here’s hoping they grow.
We ordered them in winter, and while nature drops them in late spring/early summer, humans should scatter them in Autumn.
We love the mix so much got a second bag to take out to the family plot at the cemetery for a family member who always said the state wildflowers were a glimpse of heaven on earth... another well filled bag with good looking seeds... can't wait to see them come up.
Slow to grow. Not certain how many will grow. So far not a lot after a month
Planted in flower boxes. Sprouted in about 3 days. Never got any larger..died all out and never came back. I believe seeds were bad. Very disappointed as it looked like they were going to be great.
The Indie Reviewer
This bag of seeds is great for sprucing a small garden area. The seeds are nearly weightless so it takes some strategy to disperse them without having them all fall out at once. So far, the seeds are seedlings, and they will take another few weeks/months to grow enough to bloom, but so far they have germinated with little care except for water. This would make a lovely item to bundle with a gardening set as a gift.
I just planted the seeds. In a few months I will know if they grow.
I gave it one star because the seeds filled about 1/4 of the bag. The bag looks big but the content is small. Doubt that there were 130,000 plus seeds.
Whidbey Mary
There are a lot of seeds which is good since I have a large area I want to cover with wildflowers. As stated on the package, I stirred up the dirt and sprinkled them on the soil. We'll see how many sprout and grow, and what they look like. I am very happy with the way these are packaged and how healthy the seeds looked when I opened the package.
Becky at the beach
I grew these in Florida and they were great. I used some in a natural scape planting, some in raised beds, and they popped up. I did have to put a screen over the ones in the yard to protect from the birds, but I am very happy with the variety and the yield I got.
ilse ryan
Didn’t take long for the seed to pop up, and also withstood the all the snow. Very good value. Will be purchasing more.
Renee E.
I just planted them so I will see how they do come spring
We live in Southern California where you can plant just about anything any time of year and it'll grow. I bought these to spruce up an area of our front yard. They did a great job. They're easy to plant and if you want to give them as a gift, the packaging is nice. Definitely a great value. We recommend these without hesitation to anyone considering purchasing them.
This pack of Texas wildflower seeds is awesome. It says on the package that these are Texas wildflowers but after looking at these flowers they even have some perennials like primrose, coneflower, and yarrow to zone 6 which is our zone so I am very excited about it. The rest of these flowers make beautiful annuals in any colder zone. I love having a variety of flowers in one area, it looks so beautiful.
Abby D.
Big package and is quite full. Can’t wait for spring to see what grows!
I live in the Texas Panhandle and have thrown wildflowers around my yard for the past few summers and have loved to see what all pops-up. This bag had a great selection of flowers for a good price, so I will be adding these to my garden this spring. These might make a fun gift for someone who loves to work in their yard. I am very pleased.
I simply adore wildflowers during
the summer. There's something
so beautiful about cutting your
own flowers and displaying around
your home or giving as gifts.
Although it's Dec right now I will
certainly plant these after mother day
when the ground warms up.
I will take pictures as soon as they
have bloomed.
Such a pretty variety for the bee's
and butterflies ️
We're approaching winter where I live, so it's going to be a few months before I'll know the results, but I expect these to grow hardily. The package is larger than I expected. There are enough seeds to cover 400 square feet. That's a pretty large flower garden. I plan to overseed these in a couple of barrels for patio ornamentation and give some to friends. It's a great low cost way to decorate a patio. If you use a little creativity such as an old wheel barrow, watering bucket, or farm device, you can make your own artistic creation.
The seeds themselves are fine, and there are a lot in the bag even though it's only half full. What annoys me is the lack of information on the bag. It says "Texas wildflower mix" on the front, and on the back there is a planting zone map, and that's it. No information on what seed types are in the mix (yes that information is available on the product page, no I don't want to look it up there). No information on when to plant this mix in my zone, I think I'm supposed to scan a qr code for that. I don't need detailed instructions on paper, but basic planting directions and seed type should really be provided on or in the packet, that's not the sort of thing I want to go online for. No idea on germination rate yet, as after a considerable amount of time searching for the information I have determined it's too cold to plant these in my zone at the moment, so I'll wait and plant them in spring.
Eric San Juan
There are a lot of wildflower seed packs, most of them mixing up maybe five to seven varieties. That's fine, too, as that's enough to give you some splashes of color and, in a high-quality mix, a series of semi-timed blooms throughout the year.
Which is why it surprised me to see that this pack offers a whopping 23 seed varieties! Whoa!
Most colors are represented here, with yellow blooms the dominant color but also featuring plenty of pinks, blues, lavenders, and a couple of whites and reds. It's a rainbow!
Wildflower packs are great for "wild" yard edging without controlled landscaping, for empty spots in the garden (even the vegetable garden, since they'll bring in pollinators), and bare spots in the yard with natural growth.
These grow fairly tall, up to two to three feet, so choose your planting space wisely.
Otherwise, the planting is easy. You can simply cast them where you want, or lightly rake them into the top layer of soil. Many will germinate even in poor soil, since many of these flowers are effectively "weeds" in other contexts and are quite hardy. (That's not an insult! A weed is just a plant you don't want in *that* spot.)
The package claims this will cover about 400 square feet. I feel like that might be a little thin, but I DO like to plant dense, so you could probably stretch out this package that much.
Overall, a good value with a fantastic assortment of wildflowers.
They look fantastic.